Anjo Nala Kinda Makes Sense
In response to "I really don't like Anjo Nala" I thought I'd break down the timeline of events that lead to her "reawakening" in 2.2. Spoilers ahead.
1917: Mata Hari is murdered and Nala Hari hits the streets. At this point she's an adolescent Succubus and doesn't seem to have her hunger yet.
1943-1963: Nala Hari joins Heartfelt Home, leaves after 20 years and the events of The Overcast October.
1963-1985: Anjo is essentially a mercenary, assassinating people, spying and doing general mercenary work. She's surviving with no real goals.
1985: The Foundation captures "Ms Kimberly" and locks her away along with her seal
1985-2007: The Foundation imprisons Anjo Nala for 22 years. During this period I assume she is starved. At an undisclosed point in time Eternity pilfers Anjo's seal.
2007(1990, September): Eternity sells the seal to the Manus Vindictae, effectively indenturing Anjo to them. She follows Manus' orders by killing at least one of the Haight Street members, getting her first meal in 22 years. Razor Squad forces her to flee. She encounters Ms Grace (A Foundation spy) for the first time, who acquires her seal from the Manus zombie.
2007(October): Ms Grace orders Anjo Nala to stay put at Tuesday's Motel and not feed (Ms Grace probably knows about Anjo). For a month she experiences psychological distress and starvation in the motel. Vertin inquires about Ms Grace which seems to fulfill a contract, allowing her to leave the motel.
2007(November): Ms Grace orders Anjo Nala to Sao Paulo. Anjo's allowed to feed on her targets during this time period, but she's reacting differently. She's back in Sao Paulo, a place she wouldn't return to of her own free will, and these boys in blue seem like a bigger menace than even herself (she doesn't know much about the storm, not a real Manus member). Ms Grace gives the seal and Anjo to the local Manus sect before heading to Argentina. The local Manus sect is raided by Lopera's Zeno squad. They capture Anjo and prep for her return to the foundation prison.
When all seems lost, a miracle happens. Vertin intentionally frees Anjo Nala. This is the 1st time we see her without any active orders. She's starving, but she doesn't immediately start killing people.
Vertin meets her on the Alligator and recognizes her. This is the Ms Kimberly from Matilda's report, the succubus captured by the foundation (Vertin can read). Vertin decides to let her go due to the fragility of the situation, which ends up paying off. With the inevitability of the Storm and Anjo clearly not being a real Manus member from their conversations, I believe Vertin's decision was sound. Even if she did cause problems it would be short-lived.
The rest plays out in the story quest. Anjo stays in Sao Paulo to look for her seal, and to pay back Vertin who's the one person who's helped her since the Heartfelt Home half a century prior. She decides to place her trust in Vertin as they seem loosely connected to the Foundation. I assume Vertin squirrels her away after this but we won't know what really happens until 2.6
I hope this clears up Anjo's motivations and state of mind at various points in the story.