Stories where the main character is undoubtedly the antagonist?
Edit: Bad phrasing in the title. I understand antagonist/protagonist doesn't necessarily mean good person/bad person. I'm looking for a story where the character we follow mostly ends up being (morally) the worst character in the story.
Looking for some reference material for a draft I’m working on and I was hoping someone here could help.
Looking for a story where the main character/the character we spend most time with ends up being the bad guy/girl. Not in a thematic or subtle way but explicitly shown to the audience that we aren’t supposed to like/support them.
I know there’s a quite a number of those that are popular but most start with the audience knowing that they aren’t good people. I’m looking for something that tricks the audience into identifying with the character until the third act.
The only thing I can think of is Taxi Driver and Breaking Bad.