The farmer's diet or lack there of.

This has no doubt been brought up before, but has been my most recent bee in my bonnet I was doing some theorizing about how much is in a bottle of wine/mead/juice. It made me think about the inhuman amount of food and drink you can consume in this game. Or not eat at all.

Take the wine for example. A standard bottle of wine is 750ml and a serving size is 5oz/147ml. And you drink the entire bottle. But what if the keg only makes one serving I asked myself, that means people are spending anywhere from 400g-4620g for a single glass and that just didn't seem plausible.

Then there is food. I am going to use pizza as my example. Going by one of Shane's letter gifts saying he got it from the Joja backroom it's safe to assume it's the same size as a standard frozen pizza IRL. 8-10 inches ~20-25cm. You again eat the entire thing at once. You don't even need to be hurt or need the energy. You can repeat this nearly ad infinitum.

Or you can go the opposite extreme and never eat or drink ever. Like the farming machines we probably are. The only thing the farmer seems to need is a minimum of 4 hours of sleep because you pass out at 2am no matter what. And I know there would be people that would go past 2 if they could, I'm one of them.