Chance me or something for mays idk
Maybe major in managment or sum drk, tbh idrk if i wanna do business lol
UW/W GPA: 3.49/3.96
SAT: 1270 (650 ELA 620 Math) (need some input on this especially bc 1. I dont know how early i should apply to a&m for best chances bc 2. I wanna retake sat in october, help pls)
Rank: like 255/895 or sum like that, i go to a high school w/ 3K+ kids
12 APs (i think)- WHAP (3), AP Lang (2), AP Precal (4), AP Physics 1 (2), AP Psych (2), AP Seminar (3), Dual Enrollment US History, *current classes -> AP Calc BC, AP Physics C Mechanics & EM, AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Macro, AP Research
Youth Expanding Service Member (2yrs), tryna get 100+ volunteer hours before graduation, did/doing a lot of stuff at houston food bank
Anticipated Science National Honor Society Member (1yr)
Bodybuilder of 2+ years (documented on YT channel)
YT channel w/ over 650K views abt fitness, nutrition, music, philsophy, teen stuff, funny stuff, etc., just my interests
Did choir all through middle school and was one of 3 chosen freshman yr for All-region choir
Played club baseball all my life pretty competitively
Assitant coach for t-ball team for a season
Sports card trader w/ baseball & football cards selling and buying via Ebay & conventions
& did some business/brand collabs with 2 companies called TenorShare & the other iToolabs AnyGo
Texas solo ensemble winner (2x), Perfect Game tournament champion & finalist a couple times for Double and Triple A (baseball), AP Scholar
I’m hispanic & white btw, middle class, help me out guys cause im lost