Be a hero in bora bora?

Dear fellow travelers,

I need your help. My daughter, in her attempted humor, has likely yeeted my most cherished possession—a tan ball cap from the Four Seasons of Bora Bora—straight out of the car window. She thinks it’s hilarious. I, however, do not.

This wasn’t just any hat. It was the hat. My only souvenir from a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. Simple, understated, tan, with “Bora Bora Four Seasons” embroidered on it. It wasn’t flashy, but it was perfect. Now it’s probably decorating the side of a highway or providing shade for a very confused raccoon.

I’m begging you: if you or someone you know is headed to the Four Seasons in Bora Bora, please consider snagging me a replacement. I’ll cover all costs—hat, time, shipping, even your drink at the pool bar. (Heck, get two drinks. You deserve it.)

By helping me, you’re not just giving a sad mom her hat back. You’re restoring hope in a world where toddlers believe gravity is their playground. You’re proving that Reddit is full of heroes. You’re becoming the kind of person legends are written about.

So, what do you say? Help me out, and I’ll cherish you (and the hat) forever.

Yours in eternal gratitude,
