Gender wars? More like male - male wars

No but fr wth is up with this gender war thingy? I am referring to the whole "17F" controversy

I made a post some time ago abt My drawing of spiderman and stated my age and gender and of I got replies like "Yr not a girl, straight man, chutpagal, hungry for validation"

I am sorry I can't even ACTUALLY state my gender now?

Let me tell u what the real problem is 1. This Subreddit has majority male users than females, Ratio is deffo fucked up 2. Male Redditors don't get much replies compared to female redditors, and there is no possible explanation for this either. 3. female redditors don't reply to other male redditors posts as a precaution to being attacked by creepy dms. 4. MALE redditors also don't reply to other male redditors ke posts cuz ofc unko bandi chahiye banda nahi.

So now These ppl be hating on other female redditors cuz of the amount of comments, karma they receive

Let's be fr here, male redditors only don't reply to their own gender and then make a post of gender wars? this ain't a gender war buddy it's a war between yall. Yall don't respect each other and blame it on gender?

Pls U males are the ones giving more attention to female posters out here. U want equality na? either reply to both genders posting or reply to non. now thats equality mf

And why the fuck should we be denied the right to state our gender ? if I am a female I'd like to mention and the same goes for a male.

This problem will only be solved the day we stop treating gender as a just two people of different genitals but rather consider them as two people with a mind and soul.

I know some of u mf are gonna down vote this shit but let's get this straight this ain't a gender war. this is just male treating others indifferently

Also females would also love to reply to other males posts if only we weren't attacked with creepy dms, Unwanted flirting, unsolicited pics.

Disclaimer: I am not attacking all the redditors in total so pls don't be like "omg I don't do this, I reply to all" This for all those who even considered abt a gender war. and those who rlly do this kinda shit