my teacher is a pedophile
so… today went by pretty normally, until 8th period (i have an elective— Advanced art, but AP art is in the same room), and during my passing period my friend came running down the hallway to our lockers and immediately yelled, to me and my other friend, “Mr. (name) got fired! His desk is cleared off and he just left in the middle of the school day!”
I didn’t realize the reason behind it, so I had brought up him being a terrible teacher (cuz lowkey he is), and my friend shrugged. Then, another friend walked up and was told the same news and she responded with a “Yaayy!!”
Later, i get to my art class and i bring it up to everyone in there (roughly 6 people), and my friend said “Oh, yeah, he was banned from teaching in California because he’s a pedophile.” SHE SAID IT SO CASUALLY! Wtf?? I never personally had him, because i wasn’t at the grade level that he taught Calculus at yet.
At dinner with my family, my mother told me (she works with the school, but not for them) that the guy was a weirdo, and the school KNEW he had his license taken away, but apparently they were waiting for the hearing or something like that, so they didn’t want to fire him just in case it was false. HES BEEN TEACHING AT OUR SCHOOL FOR TWO YEARS!!!
My brother (senior) told me last year his friend found it out by searching him up that he lost his teaching license in california for “inappropriate behavior with a student” and they told their class. Then, I suppose it trickled down to our grade.
And, I personally always thought he was a bit off too. He’d come into our art class (because my art teacher is lowkey just a chill guy) and look at the riddles that my teacher put on the board. But he’d always stand right behind me as i would lean over at my waist and work on my project. He’d also just creep around the little girls.
He also apparently told a girl “You’re not learning anything because you’re too pretty” and later that girl switched classes after bringing it up with the school. She did the right thing— TELL YOUR SCHOOL!!! ik they don’t usually do anything, but i’m so glad my school fired him.
And his original reason for his license being taken away in Cali was because he groomed a few young girls.
Overall, terrible guy. I just wanted to say this and get it off my chest. i’ve been itching to tell someone. (also by the way for the mental picture, he’s an old white guy that looks like santa claus, but minus the beard)