Internet should be (more) segregated by age.

Let's be honest, we just don't get along. Every time a 50 year old wants to post on r/ProfessorFinance, their favourite sub, they have to deal with a swarm of memers, radical [political], kids who learned what a monopoly is and really want to share, etc. At the same time, every time I see a post from a 17 year old on r/Howtolooksmax, I know exactly what the advice will be - remove piercings, never wear makeup, try to look like a girl from the 80s I tried to date in high school, stop this whole "unique style" nonsense and get a job in HR.

I don't know about you, when I interact online, I hope the people I talk to are more or less my age. If a child or a grandpa wants to give me advice, tell me their opinion, or share their story - this is not just annoying, it's almost always inapplicable to my life at all. Nothing is worse than arguing about the future of Dota 2, dating or economics, and then 30 minutes later realise - "Oh, this girl is 16, of course she thinks games should be played at least 10 hours a day and best way to get a man is by making eyes at him in Dairy Queen". Best thing about the internet is that people segregate themselves anyway, and best communities are those that managed to create a culture toxic to the outgroup, effectively turning into an unintentional echo chamber. Why don't we formalise some of those rules and put a "no boomers allowed" or "50yo+ only" rules, at least on reddit? Facebook and tiktok basically already have those rules, but reddit is the only place where we still have to deal with each other.