Penguin’s Lair - Worst Security ever?

This immediately caught my attention the moment the ‘Sofia’s’ car pulled up. This was the worst planning/security ever, turning what should’ve been a home field advantage based trap into a big ol’ L.

1) Wherever she was allowed in, there should’ve been a checkpoint to search the vehicle/confirm presence of his mom, unharmed. (Or did Sofia have someone on the inside to waive the car through?)

2) It was incredible naive to not be on guard for some trick by Sofia. My first thought, when the car got as far is it did, was ‘man, a car bomb would be pretty bad about now’.

3) This, I’ll give a little slack to, since it might be the nature of the location, but the tunnel/room the car drove into was so poorly lit. But in this day and age, there are bright, wireless LED flashlights and lights. There shouldn’t have been any need to wonder who was in the front seats.