Seeing the ka-tet in other SK stories
spoilers for Wizard & Glass and beyond, and for Dreamcatcher in my post
I replied to a post on r/stephenking about which character/death from which story hit the hardest replying with Beaver and Duddits from Dreamcatcher as my top answer, if only because others had replied with DT characters/members of the ka-tet quite frequently in the thread.
Mentioning those two characters in juxtaposition to the DT ka-tet in my mind got me thinking. Everything serves the Beam. The way the guys in Dreamcatcher find and save Duddits from bullies, how Beaver’s singing gave him a bit of a special connection to him, and how goofy Beaver is made me think of Cuthbert and Sheemie. Which led to some parallels between Henry and Roland, Jonesy and Alain. Jaime and Pete are kind of the forgotten two, I suppose.
Who else sees any echoes of the ka-tet in other books?