Hot take on helluva boss

I'll get downvoted for that, but I think some of you are really too harash for helluva boss desings.

I feel like a lot of people get really wayyy to pissed at her approach to the "accurate" depisctions of characters such as belzebub.

The choice to make bee a wolf with mirror insects featchures wasn't neccesary just because "FuRrY", but rather a part of world building. Cuz apparently the sins in hellaverse are the ones who created hellborns inspired by their own vision or look. That's why imps look like reptiles: cuz their king looks like satan, sloth ring's race looks like variations of goat like creatures: cuz belphegor looks like this kind of animal, and finally that's why bee resembles fox rather than insects: cuz her "people" are furry incarnations and deviantart baits.

Another thing with is quite rare, but still noticable is the fact character desings doesn't reflect who are they. And honestly this point is where I really don't get the issue at all. I mean if you look at blitz, you can see that his clothing and overall asthetic is quite formal and fits "corpo guy" character pretty well, but details like his quite scrapped cape reflects his quirky and wilder nature.

Same goes for millie: an easy going person who changed her farm enviroment for more big city type of thing, wears rather comfy and "stylish" clothing, rather than some stereotypical farm girl ones like The re-desings offten depict her as