"you'll Jane 50 dood!!!!!"
Okay??? I'm hot and I can get pussy now. Why sacrifice that for "muh euphoria dood". Furthermore I refuse to believe anyone's true self is contained in a bottle sold by big pharma. Transitioning would be my last resort if I ever did it. I enjoy reaping the privileges of being a beautiful skinny white woman. Furthermore as a "woman" in stem you get certain benefits that men just don't. Even with the anti DEI stuff trump is pushing, in 4 years or so that's likely to be rolled back. Mediocre female engineer>>> mediocre "male" engineer.
No actual man would sacrifice benefits for the chance to decrease depression. The only real benefit I'd get socially/ interpersonally from transitioning would be possibly getting perceived as more socially skilled than I am. I'm autistic and very socially inept for a woman but I'd blend in fine with men even if male friendships are dry and sad.