Best rich person? Any rich people?

I have two questions:

Who's the best rich person?

My answer? Possibly Tom from Myspace, he stays off grid:

More importantly: Are their any good rich people alive now? (I'm talkin $100M+).

I remember a guy from the 1970s who gave away all his money before he died and left nothing for his children. I know Engles supported Marx. I know the 1800s barons built libraries. But I'm curious, are there any contemporary rich people (at least in the US or the West), who have become rich and used their cash/assets to help socialism or leftist politics, or labor movements?

Edit: found him

Not just using "interest on my gains to give to "charities" or all the other tax advantaged bullshit rich people do to make themselves feel better. Also, no people who have sovereign wealth.

Is there one example of someone making a fortune and saying "you know what, this is sorta fucked, let me help"?

Is it true that power corrupts absolutely? The law of averages implies that there MUST be at least one very rich person who is a socialist at heart? No?

List good rich people. (Yes it's contradictory, but you know what I'm getting at).

JUST TO BE CLEAR, I'm looking for two categories of rich people:

  1. Rich people who aren't shitheads
  2. Rich people who actually use the $$$ to support socialist or even tolerable progressive politics