So tired of fake christians

Let me explain the difference between a Fan and an actual FOLLOWER of Jesus.

Fan will say yes to what they like then get mad and rail against God on the stuff they don’t agree with. But they want eternity in heaven… unwilling to give up their sins.

Followers take the Bible and know it is LAW. Is the law always easy to follow? No. But you do it anyway knowing that the end result is safety and security forever. No it’s not easy. But it’s choosing God with the free will he gave us. It’s means when we stumble we take it to God and say “I screwed up. I will take whatever punishment you deem fit. I understand I did wrong and ask for forgiveness.”

Fans like to use Cheap Grace. “God will forgive me no matter what because he knows my heart so I don’t really need to give up my sins that are taking me away from God.”

Cheap Grace is taking the beautiful amazing grace that God gives us and fake repenting. Falling back to sin because “I should be able to do whatever I like with no consequences.” Dude even Satan had consequences and he was the favored angel.

A Good Father will warn you of the rules and teach you how to avoid them…. But when you choose to disobey… he will let you deal with the negative consequences of your actions.

He is there to help you stand back up and shows love and mercy and forgiveness for the mistake… but he does ask you change and try not to make the mistake again.

The True Father gave us a book that explains what we should and shouldn’t do…. The majority of that book…. Shows the consequences of people choosing to disobey the rules God put in place for his children’s safety.

Yet we think it’s ok to disobey and still call ourselves followers. You are either following the book and actively trying to do better or you are living on cheap Grace that will end with God saying “I never knew you.”