Atheism is stupid, actually
I get it, most faiths have a lot to do with backwards superstition. A lot of religious people are insufferable weirdos. But let's face it, atheists apparently saw this as a challenge and have decided to take it further.
The truth is that no, science is not a substitute for religion. Sorry atheists, but looking at the night sky and basking in your dim high school level astrophysics as the last word is a sad, self-centered view of life.
When atheists talk about how "the universe" is punishing them or whatever, it only sounds more obviously superstitious than someone who is talking about astrology, because at least the astrology fans might only be doing it for fun. If you want to anthropomorphize the world around you, just say god. At least it's a figure of speech that makes sense.
For fans of science and reason, atheists apparently don't even read anything and argue from what amounts to bad popular knowledge. In other words, they believe in mythology. This popular history in which the church held back science and repressed heliocentrism is obviously fake, a hatchet job meant to hide the origins of the sciences in the church. Look it up before responding, atheists, and you'll find out that Galileo's theory was worse than the Ptolemaic model and what the church did was a lot more like peer review than like some backwoods snake handling caricature.
Intellectually, most atheists are living in the past. They keep talking about logic like it's still a great way to derive the truth. The famous outspoken atheist Bertrand Russell gave up on it as a philosophy and so should you. Godel, Wittgenstein, they showed it's all floating around on one presumption or another. Nothing, even in mathematics, can be proven beyond doubt.
In conclusion, most atheists are extremely over optimistic about their own knowledge and what science can do. The great mysteries of life will never be revealed by science and are better treated by literature, art, poetry, music, and yes, even traditional worship ceremonies.