Media that feels embarrassed to be in the format/genre it's a part of?

Many of Naughty Dogs' later games, particularly ones involving Neil Druckmann, have become kinda infamous for seeming like they're embarrassed that they're video games and would much rather be movies or TV shows. Last of Us in particular, such that it was made into a prestige TV show with Druckmann at the helm and arguably worked a lot better in that format.

The same criticism can be leveled at most Rockstar games; GTA games from San Andreas on, Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire, many of their works feel a lot like scripts for movies or HBO series that have been heavily reworked into games because the company had to "settle" for making video games instead of being Hollywood big shots.

And of course, this sub's favorite punching bag David Cage pumps out nothing but "interactive movies" that were clearly envisioned more as films than video games.

So yeah, stuff like that, where you get the sense that the writer would rather be doing their story in an entirely different medium or genre and like they desperately wish they were part of something more "prestigious".