For those Considering the UCI
For those on the fence about the UCI, I thought I'd just give a first person opinion. Of course your mileage will vary.
Obviously I am on Spectrum with the 1g package. Before the UCI, I switched out my Spectrum modems about every 6 months. They would start out fine but as time went on it would be harder and harder to maintain speeds. Speeds would drop down to 40mbps up and down. They only way fix it would be to power cycle the modem but that would only work so long. After that I had to call in to the help desk and ask them to reprovision the modem. This would waste anywhere from 30min - 1 hr of my time. Depending on how close it was to the EOL of the modem, this was having to be done weekly to every couple of days.
Since biting the bullet and getting the UCI, I have had 0 issues with speed. The time I haven't had to waste on their crappy modem has paid for it already. I also haven't heard "Is the internet down" when my wife is doomscrolling on the gram. WORTH IT!