is there any actually decent pcvr options for vr headsets?

ok bit of a rant, i love vr gaming (when everyhing works) but i feel like im always having problems

my experience goes as follows:
i was an early adaptor of original htc vive: good for its time but really dated at this point.

valve index: doesn't sell to my country, had to overpay massively to even get one, and when it started having problems no support from steam. also no wireless.

htc vive pro 2 with wireless adaptor and using my valve index controller: software is an absolute piece of shit, htc customer service is even worse, currently this is what im using but i feel like i use half my time troubleshooting instead of using it. also after i sent wireless adaptor in for repair it doesn't work in my main pc anymore but worked when i tried it on another pc? idk man.

im thinking of buying either a quest (altrogh im sceptical, i have heard a lot of mixed oppinions, like they getting extremely hot, short battery life, tons of accessories needed for a decent experience, high latency with wireless, controllers being bad build quality etc.)

or a bigscreen beyond (but no wireless and the massive price tag is a bit offputting, not to mention the FOV)

it seems like all options for vr headsets has massive drawback and no decent headset exists. is there something im missing here?