Incredibly pissed with my fiancé right now.

He fucking left me outside for 30 minutes with no phone and no key. He locked the door because we had to push my car into the garage and I walked up the stairs to the apartment and waited for him to get out of his car but he just took off. We just had a conversation about him just leaving a couple days before. I didn’t know where he was going or how long he was going to be gone.

I was scared to ask the office people because I’m already crying and thats embarrassing and we aren’t supposed to have dogs. My dog was out and about I hoped he wasn’t tearing anything up and if the office people unlocked the door themselves and heard my dog Idk what they would say or do.

But as they were getting the key from the office I hear my fiancés truck. So they took me back in a golf cart and he went inside, locked the door again. I knocked on the door and told him Im very mad at him and he said are the lady’s outside right now? Then looks out the front door. I go to the bathroom and told him he left me outside for 30 minutes he says “🤷‍♂️ sorry? at least it was 30 minutes and not a couple hours like how you left me several times” which was only once! And I was in the apartment sleeping and he was outside and only called me twice. He could have banged on the door, called me more times, something if it were really urgent that time. But fine if we’re even then we’re fucking even.

He comes back after 5 minutes and says “I’m sorry I saw you at the top of the stairs and you looked pissed already so I took off to go get something for the car and some food. I thought you had your phone I didn’t think. Idk I’m sorry” I told him that im still very mad so he leaves but turns around to say “idk I just idk what else to say I guess I’ll just leave you alone”

Then he finds our dog peed on the couch so he put that in the washer.