WordPress translation: replacing WeGlot. What's the best option?
We pay for Weglot for our WordPress website, so that we can translate it in other languages.
But I don't like the fact that they charge a subscription - it's like paying monthly for a massage I got 12mo ago. Every month we pay hundreds for the very same translations we've set 1y ago.
Plus, our readers have reported their translations aren't good. With AI, I can commission someone on my team to translate those → have them inputted manually
What should I do to replace Weglot?
I got recommended TranslatePress but I noticed they have a pricing page as well with subscriptions. Anyone used it so that they can confirm to me whether the free version can work?
Don't get me wrong - I'm very happy to pay a one-off fee for the software. I just don't see why I should continuously pay for something that doesn't change.