Super Carriers are just too strong especially vs a Tier 9 Battleship
Look i get it, they are 2 tiers higher, but basically i wont be playing any Tier 9 Battleships till they nerf the Super Carriers.
1/ United States can take nearly 50k per torpedo run and they are FAST moving torps
2/ The Average damage for these carriers are over 100k per game (that's with the potato's playing it too), now that doesn't sound too high compared to the Super Cruisers and Super Destroyers but only the Conde comes close to this.
3/ United states has ALREADY 6 players who have recorded scores of above 400k records and at least 18 players with an above AVERAGE damage of 190,000 per game - only the Conde has 2 players and the Annapolis 1 player that can reach that mark
When the MM starts with 6 vs 6 like in late nights .... that happened to me being in a BB all alone I died within 5 minutes with only 3K damage and the United states did two Torp runs that's all he did.
That's NOT FUN or engaging.