Does anyone else have autoimmune disorders?

I’ve had seronegative rheumatoid arthritis for most of my life, specifically after a blackout period of CSA my first memory is my mother discovering that my thumb ballooned when I was 8, leading to my diagnosis.

Since I’ve begun treatment for the CSA it’s become clear that my arthritis is in relation to that, or at least what was a previously unexplained chronic illness now has a probable cause. I’ve also noticed that my pain ebbs and flows with flashbacks. If I am having severe nightmares with flashbacks, it will be extra difficult to walk in the morning.

Similarly, I’ve noticed that EMDR seems to help completely remove the arthritic pain. After productive sessions I’ve noticed my pain being non-existent until I am triggered again.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had these experiences? I have been on and off methotrexate for most of my life and was considering starting again until I realized that the pain is affected by my trauma…not sure what to do now.