Give me some anime recos pls!
So, a little backstory, I've read in a facebook post that people with depression or anxiety tends to re-watch the same movies/series over and over again due to the fact that it soothes them knowing the plot, what'll happen next, what to expect, and how it'll end. If there's any psychologist here, please enlighten us if there's some truth to this. Now, personally, I have experienced some depressive episodes, panic attacks, and all that but still haven't been diagnosed of any mental illness or haven't had the chance to get checked-up by a psychologist/therepist, but somehow, I could really relate to that specific facebook post I've mentioned. I've been re-watching Fairytail, Hunter x hunter, romantic killer, kobayashi's maid dragon, etc. I've also like re-watched friends and modern family for a thousand times. Please recommend an anime I can watch because I could feel like I'm just circling around and I wanna break free from it. I swear I'll try to watch all of your recommendations. Thank youuu!