Can you not let your younger siblings play rank with your ACC u dumb fuck?
Blurred the name cus I have some common sense UNLIKE THIS FUCKER. His Krixi was running around the map like a headless chicken. When I saw his total matches in lobby I was like "dam Is it already my turn to win?" but NAHHHHH. Enemy Laville went Super Saiyan mode near the end and we couldn't do shit cus the only magic DPS in the team was this toddler. FUCK I hate losing winnable games.
Blurred the name cus I have some common sense UNLIKE THIS FUCKER. His Krixi was running around the map like a headless chicken. When I saw his total matches in lobby I was like "dam Is it already my turn to win?" but NAHHHHH. Enemy Laville went Super Saiyan mode near the end and we couldn't do shit cus the only magic DPS in the team was this toddler. FUCK I hate losing winnable games.