Do you guys ever get embarrassed when you have negative downvotes?

Idk if this is a thing but I honestly take things personally online and I’m the type of person who will take criticism but be upset afterwards. But do you guys get really upset when you get downvoted and then someone being rude comments and when you reply back they have more upvotes and you have 0 or negative? I just think people are really rude when you want advice or even if you just wanna discuss something simple and people

Like if I asked “what are you thoughts on this character?” And people will get mad or just straight up call me stupid or annoying. I feel like those characters who are tied up and being mistreated and having tomatoes thrown at you. It might also be an autistic trait.

I take advice personally and maybe I’m just sensitive to criticism but I feel like I’m too stupid to share my own opinions so I just talk to myself about them and then when I share them people make fun of me. And I’m not saying anything hurtful or offensive but it’s like I’m basically getting cancelled.

Reddit is kinda like my parent because I never was able to vent to my parents and feel better afterwards and I don’t really have any close friends and I honestly feel bad whenever I occasionally vent to them.

But apologies for the long rant but I wanted to be able to share this.