Walter White is a total shitbag.
Heizenburgh as he calls himself is a total pile of shit and got what he deserved. When he decided to get into the meth business with that addict was the most disgusting thing he could have done.
He wanted to make about 70 thousand I think then he'd be out so he could pay for his kids education. Well what about all the young people who bought his meth a ruined their chance for an aducation due to meth addiction.
He was a teacher and he thought in his mind it was OK to make meth knowing that it will end up in young peoples hands?
He's supposed to be the brilliant chemist and a family man and he turns into drug dealing.We know he also had cancerand also he wanted money for that too but he had a family that loved him and they would do whatever needed to get him through that time.
OK he sold his part of the company years ago and that company became an empire but the offer was their to go work for them for a nice big salary but he was too proud. They also offered to pay for all his cancer treatments. Ridiculous.