Cmv: Social politics and economic politics should be separated
Voting for the left or for the right is very vague, and I think it would improve politics if economic views and social views were to be split at the time of choosing representants.
I understand that it is easier to group up all ideologies into extremes: that’s why it always goes down to “left wing or right wing”. But that doesn’t mean it is the best choice. I think that our politics feel so extremist and stuck to “voting the lesser evil” because of this main reason.
We should be able to choose, for example, to vote for right-leaning economic laws without losing left-leaning social laws.
For example, let’s say a family who considers themselves progressive is having troubles with money. Next election, do they vote for the right-leaning side because it promises that “eggs will cost less” or do they vote for the left-leaning side that promises “better social laws”? Or the opposite, a conservative family that is having problems with health. Do they vote for “healthcare should be free” or “abortion should be illegal”?
It sounds dumb in these examples perhaps, but they were the best that I could come up with to make myself fully be understood. Personal biases will always come through, but that shouldn’t basically gatekeep a whole side of laws. I, for example, consider myself very leaning towards the right side when it comes to economics, but I would never consider myself conservative because I believe that social laws are equally as important as economic laws.
As a disclaimer before this gets taken to a direction I hope not, I am aware of the pros and flaws of capitalism in the social level, i am aware of the pros and flaws of socialism in the economic level. This thought I have goes beyond this discussion.
Anyways I hope I made my thoughts clear, and I hope I can get my views changed because I am actually having a hard time grasping politics because I can’t identify with either side of this seemingly black-or-white argument.