How many turns before the obligation to withdraw combat units from one's border has been fulfilled?

So basically, I have a dog, and we have been frequenting this one route on our walks. One day, my dog decided to poop next to this person's garden and he started talking about how he thinks it's rude and asked me to take the dog somewhere else for its fecal discharge. It felt kind of weird because if everybody was like that then where is the dog supposed to do its thing but alright, because he was very nice about it I agreed and said that we're merely passing by and that I will take my dog somewhere else next time.

It's been about a week from this encounter and my dog often wants to go poop on this person's lawn. I try to deter it away somewhere else but it's only a matter of time before I give in. How much time needs to pass before I can safely walk next to their borders without any diplomatic hit? What are the potential consequences for ignoring this request? Thanks.