Johnny’s speech about the TikTok ban

“I saw the government strip creators of their platforms … and eventually their voices. Saw them transform the internet into a machine fueled by fear, propaganda, and silenced dissent. Politicians’ve long controlled our freedoms, taken plenty… and now they’re after our minds! I’ve declared war not because censorship’s a thorn in my side or outta nostalgia for a freer internet gone by. This war’s a people’s war against a system that’s spiraled outta our control. It’s a war against the fuckin’ forces of manipulation, understand? Do whatever it takes to stop ’em, expose ’em, defy ’em. If I gotta kill, I’ll kill. If I need your platform, I’ll fuckin’ take it! Fuckin’ hell… You still don’t see it. But you will one day.”

-Johnny Silverhand on the TikTok ban (probably)

(Anyone with a good Johnny impression is free to voice this lol)