How do you dress your 0-3?

So, my wife and I are in a disagreement. She's been dressing our daughters (twins) in full gear since they were born. I'm talking bodysuit, socks, pants, shirts, cardigans, shoes and a bow or hat everyday. Not only when we take them out for walks in town or whatever, but at home too. It's all the time. To me a simple pajamas with sockies is all they ever need. At least for now. They don't walk, so they don't need shoes. If they don't wear shoes they don't need socks. They'll be in diapers for at least another year, so why do I have to remove three layers of clothing before I can even get to the diaper to check IF it needs changing? If I put them in PJ's my wife takes the kids and change them into "real clothes". It's driving me insane.