i feel nothing
i feel nothing at all no passion no emotion no desire to live or do anything anymore i feel like nothing, like im not even here, i dont feel happiness i dont feel excitement i dont get surprised by anything im just here and not here at the same time, i dont understand when it happened and why, my life is really boring i have nothing to talk about it, i dont like to go out at all i sit at my pc all day doing literally nothing, i dont care about people and their feelings, sometimes i wish something really bad happens to feel anything out of it, i dropped out of college and didnt feel anything about it like nothing happened .
i know, nothing after nothing but this is what i really feel piles of nothing, and even my mind have nothing to think about i live like a bot people give me orders and i do them i feel like my brain is not even there and only works when someone ask me to, i dont care about my life, i dont even know why im writing this text maybe its just to get it out there i dont really know.