I hate that Eugenics is making a comeback…and I wish to god that this madness would just stop. I am sick and tired of this.

I cannot for the love of me understand why the Eugenics movement is making a comeback. Why are the people in charge of the government not give a single flying shit about any of us? I just wish to god that the whole entire fucking thing would just stop. That the people who think that that shit is good would just shut up and keep their fucking opinion to themselves.

I hate that a certain man whose first name begins with an E and whose last name begins with an M considers us "parasites". That we are considered nothing but a nuisciance and that our deaths are shrugged off by the government and that the administration that we have now doesn't give a shit about us, even if we work and are otherwise considered "normal".

We are not parasites. We are not useless. We don't deserve any of this shit. Why in god's green earth do YOU see us this way? Is it because of your wealth? Is it because your parents taught you to think this way? Is it because none of you have ever taken a step in our shoes?

I believe that it is all that and more. I just wish that they would all shut up and stop yammering that we are nothing, that we are fucking parasites. We are not.

I cannot believe that this shit is being allowed to happen. Surprised, no, but it is still unbelievable.

I just want to go to bed and wake up and pretend that this is all a bad dream, that this shit wasn't being allowed to happen. That we were seen and treated the way that we wanted to be treated, as human beings, not as things that need to be "thrown away" like garbage.

Shame on you people for your ableism allowing this movement to make a comeback. Shame on you.