Ebay and Drews celebrity friends

DISCLAIMER: parasocial? maybe? girl idfk

I was going thru their following, like one does, and saw that they have like huge friggin people that follow them like Rosalia and Bella Hadid. And then I saw that they know Tyler The Creator? And then today someone posted that Enya follows OBAMAS DAUGHTER?! I’m new to them, been watching the podcast for a bit less than a year, but it just seems kind of wild to me how well connected they seem to be. I knew that being on the internet since Vine meant you have an established presence on the internet/in LA, but damn i didn’t know they were this big. And then that got me looking at other influencers followings and holy shit it’s like all just one big group. I didn’t know influencers/social media personalities were as big as they were. Like Quen being friends with Billie Eilish seems so wild to me how does that even happen. The whole LA influencer world is just so surreal to me.