Feeling overstimulated by how much my husband talks
Context: my husband and I have been together for 10.5 years and have been on an intentional spiritual path for about the last 5-7 years. In the last 2 years, we’ve begun practicing kriya yoga and a lot of amazing and beautiful things have opened up for us in life! I’m extremely grateful for this journey thus far and I love my husband deeply.
What I’m noticing: my husband has always been a talker. He’s very charismatic and has an incredible ability to remember and reference specific texts, quotes, stories, etc. He could ramble on for hours and just about everything he would say would be valuable and meaningful. However, I’m realizing my ability to really listen intently and not get impatient with the constant noise of speech is dwindling. I’ve often felt impatient when he has rambled on, but I’ve always been able to sit and hold the space while he processes his thoughts. I also have communicated to him when I’ve felt overstimulated or overwhelmed, but other times I just sit and let him go on. What irks me the most is when he rambles on about the benefit of silence 🤣 it’s just silly. But anywho!
Here’s my question: How do I break my own pattern of wanting him to shut up?! Lol. I know that all of this is teaching me love and patience and tolerance and acceptance. But sometimes I feel just so overwhelmed by all of the words that I just want to scream. I know I have to let go of my own desire for things to be different than they already are. But I just want him to hear his own advice and speak less - practice silence - exist in a calm state - just be together. I’ve communicated this and he’s made an effort. I guess I’m just curious if anyone else is struggling with this?
Thanks for listening. Much love ❤️
Edit: This group is amazing! Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has offered insight and advice. You have really given me some awesome tools to work with. Grateful for all of you lovely strangers 🥰