Honest question: what’s the fun in fursuiting?

You get to bring your character to life, and they feel more real. I get that. You can take great pictures to share with others. Great! I really enjoy seeing those. Honestly, I do! Social aspect? Okay!

But between how hot and sweaty it seems to be, how expensive they are, all the extra gear, the low visibility, all of the work required to care for your suit, and walking around a giant room with a bunch of other people, the funny looks and the assumptions made about you when out public suiting, that doesn’t seem to be my idea of fun (and that’s perfectly okay, I am by no means wanting to bash the people who do, all the more power to you!). But, to those who do, what are some of the reasons you find it fun and worth all the extra expense and work? What are some of the more positive things about it, as I speak in ignorance, as a fur without a suit?