Top 10 best Hulk moments
1.) Takes blackbolts voice straight to the face and comes back begging for more
2.) Shows up to Xmen mansion, knocks on there front door and beats the shit out of them
3.) Presents a beaten Blackbolt to the world
4.) Green scar looks at Xemnu through hulks eyes and one shots him
5.) Bruce turns into Hulk and snaps dr.stranges arms
6.) Jumps into a lava river and pulls an entire planet back together
7.) Gets his revenge on primordial eldest and takes him out with ease
8.) Holds up a mountain to save other hero’s
9.) Breaks colossus’s arms like they are nothing
10.) Travels up Mount Olympus alone fighting gods and demons to confront Zeus head on and call him a bitch (Hulk gets smashed straight after lol)
This my top 10, any other awesome moments that should replace