I keep getting boils on my body pls help!
I’m a 19F and I keep getting boils on my body. To preface I only get boils in my armpits and downstairs. The first time I ever got a boil I was around 14 yrs old and it was in my armpit. Back then I wasn’t a very hygienic person so I can understand why got it, obviously hormonal teen and was sweating a lot, I can’t remember exactly but I think my armpits were shaved (because I used to regularly shave them back then) and I wasn’t an everyday showerer unless I was going to school (I showered Monday to Friday on school days) and when I would shower I wouldn’t pay much attention if any at all to my pits, so I guess that boil was a disaster waiting to happen.
Since then I decided to actually put time and effort into my hygiene and learn my body to keep it clean (and obviously to never get another boil but I was unsuccessful 🙄). My 2nd boil occurred from a shaving bump I acquired after nicking myself when shaving my pubes, at first i didn’t think anything of it bc since i started growing pubes i’ve also gotten bumps doen there before and some leaked pus and some didn’t and went away on their own, so I assumed it’d be the latter. The 3rd one I think started sometime last year or the year before, and was located deep in my butt a few cm away from the yk what hole.. I was really confused how it happened because after every shit i make sure to wipe my ass thoroughly (that i even block toilets with the amount of tissues i use 😅) and when I shower I always made sure to clean it thoroughly with water. So I put hot compresses on it to make it go away and it reduced in size and stopped hurting so I assumed it had fully gone away, until sometime early this year I noticed it had grown back. Then a few months ago I also noticed I had started growing another boil in my armpit and was really confused again how this kept happening because I was (and still am) taking active measures to keep up with hygiene, I no longer shave my armpits or pubes, I clean both areas thoroughly when Im in the shower and I shower AT LEAST every 2 days. So I sorted that one out and it went away then about 2/3 months later I noticed i had grown another one in my other pit. I seriously don’t know what is wrong with my body because I’m doing everything i’m supposed to but this keeps happening, I have noticed that I am just a generally sweaty person because when I dont shower after a day of doing nothing i smell of BO and my sweat actually stains some of my clothes so I stopped using roll ons (because I would still smell of sweat) and started using anti-perspirant sticks which helps because i sweat less and dont stink throughout the day.