Recurring boils on inner thigh and groin :(
I’m overweight and the friction / chafing of regular walking, combined with prolonged hours of sweating, gets me boils at least once every few months. Usually they’re surface level, and resolve themselves within a few days. The last few have lasted longer, closer to a week (or more) and even left me with scaring. I’ve got a new one today, and I can tell it’s really deep beneath the skin, but it’s already so tender and sore.
I’m at a loss for what to do! I shower once a day (sometimes I skip a day between, but typically it’s a daily occurrence) and I thoroughly clean the area. I’ll usually use body wash with either exfoliating gloves or a wash cloth as manual exfoliation (1 time use, and then I run them on a sanitary wash cycle) and sometimes will spare some of my face wash so I’m using a chemical exfoliant down there as well. This keeps happening, and it’s driving me up the wall. What can I do that I’m not already doing?