Need guidance again from you guys
Hello fellows, Last time you helped me a lot to connect me with people and guide me a lot. This time I need guidance to say something to my mentor come consultant.
We are in discussion for getting the funding from the angel or venture capitalist but I didn’t close only two things. My pitch deck and products are totally real and no fake commitment on that but he ask for the due diligence might need for the investment
The things I want to say to him: 1: I lost everything last year, My Cibil score because of some issues 2. Right now my company is in progress of getting the registration certificate of Pvt. Ltd.
I want to say these things to him but I feel scared to lose him as my mentor ( less care about the investment segment)
Sorry for the long post but please guide me.
(I hope he will not read this post before I come clean in front of him, I want to tell him everything on face to make the transparency)