talking to istp

i’ve been talking to an istp (M 19) for about 4 months now. i haven’t clicked with someone so well before, but he’s definitely more introverted and private than i am (isfj F 19).

everything goes super well when we are in person and we can talk for hours. we both have busy schedules as college students, so i only really see him once a week (but for like 20 hours straight because he stays over).

in person he plans and surprises me with dates each time and spoils me endlessly, but when i don’t see him throughout the week, he doesn’t text or call or anything at all. i have his location so i know when he is busy too, but still, nothing. he told me before that he hates feeling obligated to text/call so it feels forced, which i get but random check-ins once a day would be nice. he also says it’s because he’s busy, but i know for a fact that i have a busier schedule than him but i can still take a minute to text him if i wanted to. im also trying to stop initiating to see what he would do.

i’m scared because we had a serious talk about him being unsure about me due to his overthinking and anxiety about the future, but we agreed that we would both try to keep the optimistic mindset. i realized that with people with the same personality as him, i need to be approachable and patient or else i will scare him off. i do really like this guy, but im not sure what to do, any advice?