Dating life advice for a unique case
Hello, even tho i am pure bong, i grew outside wb and came to kolkata for study and got into a decent college ( ask in comments) and one of the best for commerce, so i don't have school friends or acquaintances here
I am in 2nd year, completed 6 papers of acca, and will complete it by 3rd year, will do cpa, mba or rbi trust me on that as i am studious and ambitious and characterwise a clown when i feel like , absolute bakchod as they say
I am of nerdy type, i LOVE books, got 1800 of them ( i posted here my book collection), i like and am good at chess, i like stock market and finance, cricket, and movies ( historical and meaningful)
I know grooming ,presentation all sort of those things are important to get the contact and be in a social circle and then personality plays the role, kintu this takes time and efforts as well as investment , and ta chhara nowadays everything seems so fake, shallow or people seek anything for vested interests.
Introvert more than ambivert
Not great looking, but what i fail to understand is 1. Many people say i am losing my college years and have 0 prior relationship experiences , so should i try on dating scene ( would it even be reasonable for someone like me) or continue with academics and career for now
Even if ami jodi dating scene ay aste chai, how?? Anything i like has less female participation, i don't have friends sherokom in wb , how would i attract anyones attention.
Beggars cannot be choosers 💀, id prefer a girl to be practical, supportive when i am in tough times, and a good friend before being a girlfriend
Gym o jai for those commenting this right now
What should i do? How should i frame my life in the next 3-4 years? Am i missing something? Continue in my path or try a chance? Even i do, how exactly?
Ps: Ami not desperate, but i am wondering how should i frame my next 2-3 years , i want both a good career and a good personal life.