Reasonable improvements marksman players anticipate without making them overpowered for S15
Here are the following points:
Bring back Giant Slayer passive, slightly weaker on Mortal Reminder due to Grievious Wounds (if considered overpowered, then make it either effective when you reach a certain level or make it scale with levels)
Lethal Tempo cap should be increased at certain level (for example level 14) to 3.0/3.5 as well as on-hit stacks to 8-10; it would be a decent late game buff (mainly benefitting DPS marksman like Twitch, Sivir, Jinx)
Coup & Last Stand became futile on marksman; everyone goes Cut Down on default which makes you think how the other two runes have been disregarded lately in terms of functionality (need changes)
Bloodline has become so obsolete that basically every marksman goes Alacrity and therefore it needs late game buffs; marksman have terrible lifesteal access already, especially since we need to get to our 3-4 core item build first while on top of that IE costs 3.6k, before we are even able to purchase BT. Moreover, BT was initially a crit item too, which was part of our 3-4 item core build in the past. Nowadays, we can not even opt for BT in a lot of situations since we are forced to buy either GA or a tank item (Shieldbow is inefficient bait) preventing us to have lifesteal at all; and let's be real, the shield passive is really underwhelming and improving it would be also very dangerous, so it probably needs to be changed
Shieldbow has become even more useless now since it received a ranged modifier (very hilarious considering the fact that this item was specifically created for ranged champions not to blow up); therefore, this item actually needs a proper rework (ranged modifier removed) or a new iteration should be created
1st item options for Crit marksman are crippled which is a huge problem for efficiency and satisfaction, therefore we need more (item) choices to be created specifically for this class
Terminus item concept for on-hit marksman is actually a good idea; why can we not have a crit version for crit marksman? You would have less armour penetration without the Giant Slayer passive (plus not able to buy LDR/MR) while obtaining the defensive benefits. Marksman want to have a window of opportunity to survive, especially when they dodge abilities and kite well, but also not be facetank Zeri or 2k-shield Aphelios. Terminus rewards you by consistently auto-attacking which increases your defensive factors without being overpowered defensively, so why not create the same for crit marksman? It would give them more choices and some real survivability options trading it for less damage
As of late, these issues are what I am reading and noticing mainly. And I do not believe that these propositions are outrageous. They are feasible ideas with actual restrictions, mainly referencing late game improvements and basically not changing marksman for the early game! And if you consider these points, you will realise that marksman are actually dealing with some real, critical issues - which are annoying - yet overall, I would say that this class is not as weak as constantly portrayed.