Amazon Interview Experience

Hi everyone,

I recently went through the Amazon's 3 hour loop interview. Got an email to take up the OA. Heard back from the recruiter the next day and they scheduled my loop interview.

Round 1 - 30 min LP and 30 minutes LLD (Parking Lot with many constraints). I answered the LP questions well but the LLD was off to a slow start. I got all the requirements, classes and methods listed but couldn't code much.

Round 2 (Coding) - Got a Graph problem. Used DFS approach. Did not have time to discuss time and space complexities. At the end the interviewer himself coded some portion of it.

Round 3 (Bar Raiser) - Completely LP based. At the end the interviewer said he was happy with the answers I gave him.

Haven't heard back, but what do you guys think the result could be? I am leaning towards a rejection. Let me know.