Nuisance smoke alarm advice
I got a 5am nuisance smoke alarm call this morning. It’s the third time from this unit in 6 months. The last time this happened in November I replaced all of the smokes. The poor tenants are pissed and I feel for them. This time the offending unit is in a bedroom and everyone was asleep so it isn’t a kitchen related issue. In fact all the times this has happened it’s been while people are sleeping. I’m thinking it must be something with the communication wire, perhaps it’s shorting out somewhere. I’m going to call an electrician and have them look at it. I’m curious if anyone has had a similar issue or has any advice or insight on this issue. Thanks
Update: I went back and double checked the pigtail connections. The com wire wasn’t twisted under the nut. I think this is most likely the problem. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the response