Please ban this person

Hello users and moderation team of r/moths

Please report (and if you are a moderator ban) the user u/freakboy77_tiktok , he writes here comments that not only advoacte for killing Acherontia atropos but he also missinterprets facts and spreads missinformations to serve his aggenda and I had enough of this bullshit (please exuse my usage of swears), I replied to him so many times as Iam one of the people he replied to, but he just doesn't listen, he refuses to accept truth aswell as scientific facts and continues to glorify and advocate for killing innocent animals

I think many people here can understand and see that his arguments are complete and utter bollocks but some of the things may be hard to argue against for some people as some facts are not well-known so let's disprove some of his more common arguments with which he justifies killing of Acherontia atropos one by one

"Acherontia atropos is killing honeybees" : Acherontia atropos cannot directly kill any individual of Apis mellifera, they relly on multitude of fascinating adaptations that help them disguise among A. mellifera, they can kill them indirectly if A. mellifera worker stings A. atropos and it's stinger gets plucked from it's body, killing the specimen, but these losses are insignificant and it happens to the infertile "worker bees", not the fertile queens, there is also no evidence that Acherontia atropos "raids" would have any significant effect on Apis mellifera populations

"Acherontia atropos is a parasite" : Yes, Acherontia atropos is infact a cleptoparasite of Apis mellifera, but cleptoparasites are also an important part of nature, they aren't "evil" or "lazy", they are just animals which evolved that way and they are just doing what they need to do to survive "Acherontia atropos is invasive" : No, this is complete and blatant lie, invasive organism is (ussualy) an introduced organism which harms it's new enviroment, Acherontia atropos never got introduced to any place from what I know, it is native to Europe, Africa and some parts of Asia (even tho in most of Europe and some parts of Asia it is a migrant species (but that doesn't make it invasive))

"Honeybees are important pollinators on which many ecosystems depend" : Yes, but they are not the "indispensable bedrock of all life" as some people frame them, they are important pollinators in their native range (which is Europe, Africa and some parts of Asia), but even there they aren't alone, there are many more pollinators (for example other social aswell as solitary species of Anthophila, other Hymenopterins, some species from the order Diptera and most of Lepidopterins and probably some more), in all other places it is an introduced and in most of if not all of them aswell as invasive species which has terrible effect on the local ecosystems on top of being an innefective polinator and outcompeting native Anthophila species it also sometimes directly poses threat to other wildlife aswell (such as for some species of Aves in Australia) and most importantly due to it's generalist nature it willingly pollinates invasive plant species, thus helps them to spread

"People rely on honeybees" : No, I don't think we really do, I mean most of our agriculture does but : 1st It is really ethical to spread a terrible invasive species just because it effectively pollinates many of our crops ?

2nd There are many more pollinators, lack of Apis mellifera in it's non-native range would be bad for our economy and it would be a rough start but there are many more pollinators and even tho they are not adapted to the European plants, some may take the opportunity to do so, not to mention some crops are "self-pollinated" or pollinated by wind But humans themselfes don't relly on Apis mellifera at all, human civilizations thrived in both North America and Australia long before collonists brought the invasive Apis mellifera with them And if one were to argue that our reliance on pollination that is done by A. mellifera somehow justifies killing of Acherontia atropos, let me remind you again that there is no evidence what so ever that Acherontia atropos'es so called "raids" would have any significant effect on Apis mellifera populations, the biggest "threat" to Apis mellifera is as with other insect pollinators the usage of pesticides

"But honeybees are endangered" : No, just no, this is complete and utter bullshit (sorry for the swearing) and potentialy dangerous instance of missinformation, Apis mellifera is a cosmoplitan species with world wide distribution (map of Apis mellifera's distribution: ), it is the most wide-spread out of all species from the clade Anthophila and thus it needs little to no protection, in contrary it is a nasty invasive species in many parts of the world, as mentioned above

Hope I not only helped you to disprove this person's arguments but that you also learned something new ;)

Also message of this post isn't "kill all Apis mellifera", this species plays an important ecological role in their native range, the point of this comment was to disprove most of u/freakboy77_tiktok more commonly used arguments and to provide education about the topic

I also understand that not everybody has time to write a lengthy paraghraph(s) so even tho it is ussually discouraged in this subreddit, Iam providing a meme in the comments with which you can answer his bollocks comments, if he writes more of them until he gets (hopefully) banned (I also encourage you to post link to this post in your response so he can't argument that you "can't argue against him" and thus "he have won")