Max Christie ceiling?

I'm curious what people think Max Christie's celing is.

He was already starting to blossom as a 3&D starter on the Lakers this season. Now, having just turned 22 years old less than two weeks ago, he is really shining on the Mavs, with 17.1 ppg on a 65.4% true shooting percentage, including 45.7% from three. This is a small sample size that he obviously won't keep up, but it's worth pointing out that nobody close to his age is putting up similar stats in the NBA (the only 3 players scoring 17 ppg on 65% ts% are all 28-29). In addition, both on the Lakers and now on the Mavericks, his defense has been excellent, often serving as the main point of attack defender on high scoring guards or wings.

What do people see his ceiling as? I have sometimes seen him compared to Mikal Bridges, who is currently averaging 17.6ppg on .575 ts%. Bridges is smack in the middle of his prime at 28.5 years of age, 6.5 years older than Christie. Christie's height without shoes is 6'5 3/4 with a wingspan of 6.8 3/4. Bridges' height without shoes is roughly the same or maybe up to an inch taller with a wingspan of of 7.1.

Can Christie be as good or better than Bridges? If better, what is his celing?