Bedard Left to Dry?

Heads up: coming from a Utah fan.

Forgive me, as I’m not well-versed in how Chicago’s been doing this season (not well, as far as my Chicago-fan friend has explained).

At the game tonight (UHC v. Chicago), I was surrounded by Chicago fans. Lots of them are saying “Bedsy” was invisible tonight, not showing up, etc. Almost like the kid didn’t have the 2nd highest minutes on the ice, and as far as I could tell, giving his all.

Honestly, by the end, I was hoping for CHI to take the dub, and was sad they didn’t. Maybe since I’m new to hockey (got into it when Bedard was drafted, actually) as a whole and therefore not familiar with Chicago’s recent seasons, but it seems like fans are overly harsh on the kid. Like, he’s only 19 and almost carrying the team, IMO. And yeah, he was projected as this generational talent, but don’t all generational talents need time to thrive?

Every NHL team has that one player they just ruthlessly crap on whenever their team loses, but it seems disproportionate in this case.

What’s with the ire towards him in Chicago???