I think I was ghosted by my job
I recently got a job with a third party lab company.I was so excited to start bc I had spent over a year in Plasma centers and was ready to do what I like to call “real phlebotomy”.
I never had a real interview, which probably should’ve been my sign this wasn’t the job for me, but the plasma center didn’t care about my safety so I needed out. On the first day, my boss texted me the address of the doctors office and my trainer wasn’t even aware she was training somebody that day. It was slow comparatively, I loved the difference. On my FOURTH DAY, I’m sent to a different doctors office. I had met the new trainer in passing on my first day so I was excited to work with her as she had a busier office. Well, there wasn’t a label maker, so we had to hand write all of them. No big deal, she would pre-write them while I drew patients’ blood.
I should mention I work part time. My boss calls me on my day off to say that I made a mistake and the lab does not want me back at the second office. When I ask, she says that a vial wasn’t labeled. I apologize for the mistake and promise it won’t happen again, as I should’ve double and triple checked it before bagging it. She checked with the first office and they respond “we don’t want new people”, then why did they let me there in the first place?!
It’s now been about a month since I’ve worked. My boss is dodging my texts and saying she can’t find ANYONE to train me.
I’m at a loss bc this has been my favorite I have ever worked. While I understand I made a mistake, it was the fourth day of me working there, in an environment that I’ve never worked and she knew this!