Why the TIDAL search is fake
The TIDAL link ends with album (slash) 173682202
When you google "album (slash) 173682202", It comes up again with the same result but with a different description that says
"Quero Ser Vazo de Ouro · Irmão Kapacata · Irmão Kapacata. 9. Tala o Tembo · Irmão Kapacata · Irmão Kapacata. 10. Yatuzola · Irmão Kapacata."
When you look up some of the songs, It's from the album YATUZOLA by IRMÃO KAPACATA
Which has the same album cover as the fake album that was on carti's amazon music
If you're still hanging onto the chance it might drop just because it showed up on google, I wish I had as much faith as you