China: Apocalyptic Fact v. Fiction
I had an apocalyptic dream last night, in which China invaded Australia.
I was standing outside a house at night, waiting for a ride home when I saw two lights fall to the ground in the distance. I thought I was watching a plane crash so I pulled out my phone to film it.
But then more lights fell to the ground and I realised it was missiles raining down and we were at war with China.
That’s all I remember but this morning it got me thinking about post apocalyptic fact versus fiction, and I think they are vastly different.
I don’t see the typical post apocalyptic scenes we see in computer games as the most likely scenario. In reality an attack by China is the most likely apocalyptic event, and if that happens China will pull every card in the deck and throw every form of attack at us at the same time: bio attack, EMP strike, drone swarms, military etc.
And when the dust settles, if you happen to survive, the sky will be filled with Chinese drones picking off survivors.
I like post apocalyptic fictional worlds, they are fun to imagine, but in reality an attack by China won’t be anything like that. You will be dead the minute you step outside.